So, there was a glitch on Wal-Mart's website the other night. It was a ridiculous glitch that made some very recent video game releases up to 50-60% off in some cases. Some very nice bikes were found to be in excess of $100 off retail price. Even some very fancy Samsung LED TVs were very cheap!
It was a very exciting night of... not sleeping because I kept refreshing the thread on CheapAssGamer while hoping for news of other things to be put on sale. Any items that were sold during this time were refunded for the most part. However, some lucky sons of bitches who were way smarter than I put in their order with in-store pick-up... which allowed them to go into the respective Wal-Mart and get the heavily discounted item which they were originally sold.
I've heard tale of different experiences with this scenario. Some waltzed in, picked up their fancy-pants 55" Samsung LED TVs and left without a problem--and took pictures of the multiple TV boxes that now filled their vehicles. Oh, these TVs were only around $360, as opposed to the $1,100 that they normally go for. Again, I say, those lucky sons of fucking bitches. I am certainly jealous of your ridiculous hauls of loot.
It was only after my order of GTA V, Shin Megami Tensei, Luigi's Mansion, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Pokemon Y, and Battlefield 4 that I realized that even with my best intentions of early Christmas shopping did I realize the complete waste of time that I was creating by even placing the order. I knew it was going to be canceled the moment I clicked the "Submit Order" button.
In-store pick-up was my only hope for my Wal-Mart loot. I quickly placed another order, only to find that GTA5 and BF4 weren't available anymore. Oh, if only I was smarter and quicker then my Christmas shopping would have been nearly finished. I fumbled with the slow check-out process as thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people were now rushing the site. Either way, I ended up with Pokemon, Mario & Luigi, and Luigi's Mansion for in-store pick-up.
I went about my day, fully expecting my original order to be canceled. It was. And then Wal-Mart refunded only a portion of the money. Er, what? Where's my money, you sluts?! And then I check my order status. They shipped SOMETHING. WHAT?! ...Luigi's Mansion. Er, well, okay. Damn. It couldn't be the games I needed as presents? Hmph.
So, yeah. I'd normally feel bad about any kind of thing like this where I was taking advantage of a company's problem. But, it's Wal-Mart, and they're a terrible company that treats its employees like shit. And no, I don't know from experience, but come on. Those greeters aren't happy. They're like a modern day Charon, ushering you into a bright, florescent hell of oddly priced items--as if seeing the .96 makes me more prone to buy it than a .99.
And you can't tell me that the clientele of Wal-Mart doesn't sometimes remind you of deformed and deranged demonic entities. There's always at least that one person that you avoid. You don't go down that aisle when they're on it, if you're passing by them in one of the larger 2-lane aisles, you don't hesitate to get a display of chips between yourself and them.
No one in Wal-Mart is happy, except those that escape.
Hm, I guess the moral of this story is, I have 3DS games now. :|
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